Thursday, June 30, 2011

Tribal Revolution '11

One of the best things about going to workshops is the vending!  Belly dance vendors sell belly dance goodies, and one cant help but support their vending ventures!  Tribal Revolution, a big multi-workshop weekend in Chicago, has some of the best vendingof the year.  I saved up all year long for this weekend and it did not disappoint!

There were also some great workshops!  One hilite for me was Amel Tafsout  she made us do funny movements and make silly noises, but I tell ya, one of the best workshops for me the entire weekend!  By the end I was so relaxed and just in the right mood to make the four hour trip home.  Rachel Brice was also there, and even though I had taken the same workshops with her before, I really enjoyed the challenging combos and took the opportunity to really perfect what she had taught before. 

I also performed with part of my troupe Daturra (One of our members had to work and couldn't make it on time).  Our performance went very well, and when the video is up, I will add it to the blog. 

Coming home, I was exhausted and inspired!  Probably more exhausted than usual, because I'm in the first trimester of a pregnancy.  Inspired because seeing other performances, learning new things, and owning recently purchased belly dance goodies is what does it! 

Belly dancing is so much fun.